Zingermans Deli
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Happy Birthday Zingerman’s!

Zingerman’s in Ann Arbor, MI is an inspiring example of a great business, very helpful for learning, growing, eating well and having fun.

„Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne“ / „There is magic in every beginning“, roughly extended: „every start is full of ideas, hope, promises, risk“

Hermann Hesse

Happy Birthday Zingerman’s!

Thank you Paul, thank you Ari, for having the courage to start.

Thank you Maggie for being there also and starting Zingtrain.

Thank you all of you that are part of this experience.

March 15th 1982

Zingerman’s opened the door of a sandwich store in Ann Arbor Michigan. Not just any store, but a Delicatessen in the best sense of the word („Delikatesse“ = „something really good to eat“). And look what happens, when you bake quality in on every level of a new business (did you see, how I elegantly made to connection to sandwiches?) and work hard at it while discovering lots of interesting things along the way.

Sandwiches etc.

I pulled a screenshot of the day’s top 10 sandwiches off Zingerman’s website (I know there is much more, I just happen to like sandwiches):

Top 10 Zingerman's sandwiches March 15 2022

40 years later

Zingerman’s is community of businesses („ZCoB„) with several hundred dedicated people making a difference every day. Also thousands have learned from Zingerman’s and have built their businesses on this experience.

Get an idea

To get a better picture of this evolution start with these resources:

What is Zingerman’s?
A short lesson by Paul Saginaw about and
Ari Weinzweig about beliefs in business
Maggie Bayless about „change the way you think about change“

Read „the“ book

„Satisfaction Guaranteed: How Zingerman’s Built a Corner Deli into a Global Food Community“ by Micheline Maynard. Is is also a history of Zingerman’s but more so a business book you don’t want to miss.


My conversation with Ari Weinzweig on The 2pt5 podcast.

„We never knew it would get this big.“

Paul Saginaw

These are just some suggestions to learn….


Dr. Klaus Reichert

Hallo, Klaus Reichert hier. Ich bin unabhängiger Berater und kreativer Business Coach mit Herzblut für Innovation und begleite Unternehmen mit viel Erfahrung und Kreativität beim Innovationsmanagement und Innovationsstrategie auf dem Weg von der Vision zu enkeltauglichen Leistungen. Mein Standort ist Baden-Württemberg, zwischen Stuttgart, Karlsruhe und Bodensee.

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