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Real Innovation Creates Its Own Market – Learning from Wonder Bread, Apple Newton and BMW i3

Learning from Wonder Bread, Apple Newton and BMW i3

consultant Dr. Klaus Reichert describes vividly and entertainingly how innovations are successfully established in the market. For this purpose, seven major components (as well as one „secret“ ingredient) are especially important. His main focus is less on continued and gradual innovation processes, but on disruptive innovations. Examples from the fields of e-mobility, internet, IT and telecommunications as well as the consumer goods and fashion industry are used for clarification. This compact book is a helpful guide for innovation teams in medium-sized companies and corporates, as well as for start-ups who want to go to market with a new product or service line.

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Echte Innovation schafft sich ihren Markt selbst – von Wonderbread, Apple Newton und BMW i3 lernen

„Disruptive innovation has the advantage of the “open field“. For example, the Walkman or iPhone creators had a great product as a goal and did not have to respond to offerings of competitors. Klaus Reichert describes these basic ingredients for real innovation.

„We have completely reinvented our own concept over 100 years after the original design of the zeppelin. Without the great team, enthusiasm, and people who believe in our success, the Zeppelin NT would not have come to be. The innovation components referred to in this book directly resonate with us.“

eBook (EN): ISBN 978-3-944144-04-7, Price USD 4,99
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eBook (DE): ISBN 978-3-944144-03-0, Price €4,99
Read a sample as iBookKindle

Book (DE): ISBN 978-3-8442-8854-4, 48 Pages, Price €19,80
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Dr. Klaus Reichert

Hallo, Klaus Reichert hier. Ich bin unabhängiger Berater und kreativer Business Coach mit Herzblut für Innovation und begleite Unternehmen mit viel Erfahrung und Kreativität beim Innovationsmanagement und Innovationsstrategie auf dem Weg von der Vision zu enkeltauglichen Leistungen. Mein Standort ist Baden-Württemberg, zwischen Stuttgart, Karlsruhe und Bodensee.

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